1. I had to.
I'm enrolled in a social media class, and we were required to start a new blog. I already have a personal blog, so I had to come up with another idea.
2. People like lists.
Seven reasons you should ______. Nine things you can _______. Five coolest _______. Lists are everywhere, especially online, and people like to click on them.
3. Anything is fair game.
I can write a list about whatever I want, and it won't fall outside the scope of this blog.
4. It's a way to file random thoughts.
That's a really weird album cover. Oh, so is that. How about I make a list of 10 weird album covers?
5. The posts won't take much time to write or read.
I'm a college student.
6. Anyone can make a list of 10 things.
Friend collaboration will certainly be a part of this blog, and I couldn't be more excited to see what random things my friends come up with.
7. Outburst.
8. Social media.
9. It will start good arguments.
Tell me if you find somebody who doesn't like arguing about why their favorite movie, band, etc. is the best movie, band, etc... By the way, Guardians of the Galaxy was terrible.
10. Marshawn Lynch.
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